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vertemax™ Canada vertemax™ Group
Edge Protection

Protecting your workforce with the very best in collective edge protection solutions and fall arrest safety to help prevent accidents associated with working at height.

The Catchfan is designed to absorb the energy of falling objects, mitigating against objects causing danger to the public or damage to property. This is an excellent containment solution providing a greatly improved level of collective protection in high rise construction.

Our Catchfans are known worldwide and come in different sizes to offer versatility and accommodate the variety of challenges any site can present.

The Catchfan Maxi covers an impressive 4.2m from the building, offering an increased containment area.

Other size Catchfans include the standard size Catchfan and the Catchfan Mini that’s specifically designed for Scaffolding.

The Catchfan Mini is designed specifically for scaffolding and clamps easily onto any scaffold – whether it is system scaffolding or traditional tube and fitting.

Extremely lightweight with a framework made entirely of aluminium, and with a total weight of approximately 40 kg, a 2 man install is easily achievable with no need for a crane lift – which results in significant cost savings. As the scaffold progresses, the Catchfan Mini is manually repositioned.

Designed to absorb the energy of falling objects, the Catchfan Mini safely contains falling debris, mitigating against objects causing danger to the public or damage to property. This is an excellent containment solution added to our range as the Catchfan Mini’s size provides a great option to sites with limited space.


Our Catchfans are renowned worldwide for adding a greatly improved level of collective protection in high rise construction.

Catchfans come in different sizes to accommodate the variety of challenges any site presents, including the standard size Catchfan and the Catchfan Maxi that covers an impressive 4.2m from the building.

The Catchfan is designed to absorb the energy of falling objects, mitigating against objects causing danger to the public or damage to property. This is an excellent containment solution providing a greatly improved level of collective protection in high rise construction.

Our Catchfans are known worldwide and come in different sizes to offer versatility and accommodate the variety of challenges any site can present.

Other size Catchfans include the Catchfan Maxi that covers an impressive 4.2m from the building, and the Catchfan Mini that’s specifically designed for Scaffolding.

Edge Protection

Our Catchfans have a reputation worldwide for providing newly improved containment in high-rise collective protection.  Easy-to-install and fitted to the perimeter of a building or scaffolding, they are ready to catch falling objects and materials, preventing damage or injury to people or property.

The vertemax® Catchfan brings a new level of safety to construction when working at height. Catchfans come in three different sizes to accommodate the variety of challenges any site presents. Our engineers are on hand to help you meet those challenges.
