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vertemax™ Canada vertemax™ Group
Testing Solutions


At vertemax®, our testing processes ensure products meet the very highest standards. Testing not only offers our clients assurance that our products meet European Standards, it drives forward product development to offer the market the latest safety solutions, further improving site safety standards.

Net Testing Service

Netting used in Safety environments must meet the requirements of EN 1263-1. This standard demands that each net must be subjected to annual testing to ensure its structural integrity for safe, continued use. At Vertemax, we can assist any client with satisfying this requirement by performing these tests under controlled conditions.

Each net has a four-year life span and is issued with three testing strands. Yearly testing is required as various environmental factors can make netting weaker over time such as Ultra Violet (UV) light degradation.

To provide an effective service, one of the complete test stands as show in the below needs to be detached from the main net and sent to us for testing. A unique identifier will be used to record its continued serviceability upon successful test completion, ensuring clients’ nets are fit for purpose for another year!

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