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Slovakia site from the North American region.
Looks like you are requesting to view the vertemax™
Slovakia site from the North American region.
Manufactured from high quality steel, this modular Stairway with its non-slip surface can easily be joined together to safely create longer spans.
The simple installation makes it popular on scaffold and concrete construction sites.
The Stairway provides quick access between floor levels and works well on embankment inclines and slopes, or as access into stairwells prior to the permanent stair installation.
For extended stairways up to 36 steps use the vertemax Stairway Support Beam.
It only takes minutes to erect the Aluminium Stairway and its light weight means it’s easy to move around the workzone to suit your temporary access needs.
The Aluminium Stairway is versatile & can be used to provide speedy access in most workzone environments including scaffold, concrete structures, parapets or embankments.
The Aluminium Stairway can easily be secured and locked into a preferred angle. The non-slip steps ensure maximum grip and allow a speedy load capacity of 200kg.
Capable of accommodating a range of pitch angles and being folded flat for easy transportation, vertemax® Stairway products are quick to construct after arrival and can be moved around site to suit your temporary access needs.
The lightweight Aluminium Stairway can be used in scaffold, concrete & timber construction environments with its non-slip steps ensuring maximum grip with a load capacity of 200kg.
Steel Stairway is offered in 6 independent sizes: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 steps with the Stairway Support Beam product being available to create extended, unsupported stairways up to 36 steps.
Both Stairway products are fully compliant with EN, COHS, OSHA, ANSI-ASSE standards.