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elebia® Lifting

Market-leading, remote-operated crane hooks to ensure a productive and safe workzone.

elebia is the innovative market leader in automatic lifting solutions. The elebia hook allows the operator to remotely attach and release any load with no handling. This increases productivity, enhances safety and minimises risks in all your lifting operations.

This is how the elebia hook works:

1. The magnet attracts the ring
2. The magnet orients the ring
3. The hook adjusts and elevates the load

elebia hooks will boost the safety and productivity of your cranes.

Visit the elebia website – elebia.com

elebia® Lifting

The remote function of elebia® hooks places the operator at a safe distance from the hook entirely removing the risk of injury as well as significantly improving productivity.

The safety hook has been designed to work in the toughest conditions. The precise electronic torque control allows the operator to adjust the release limit, eliminating problems with heavy rigging.

The eMax remote control can operate multiple automatic hooks simultaneously, displaying all of the info in a large high-resolution screen and a high-profile keypad which remains handy and lightweight. All elebia® automatic hooks can also be controlled using a free channel of the crane’s master control

elebia® Hooks