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Making working on the rails safer than ever…

Safety on our railways is paramount.  vertemax® is supporting the rail industry to ensure rail workzones are safe and our partners are able to protect the lives of workers, and the public, in delivering repairs, maintenance and upgrades.

The UK has one of the safest railways in Europe for workers and passengers.  Through innovation and driving a new culture of workzone safety, vertemax® is supporting its rail partners to achieve continued, improved levels of safety, efficiency and productivity.

The rail industry is today focused to deliver new levels of safety assurance and performance.  vertemax® edge protection, access solutions, workzone safety and elebia lifting products and services all have a part to play in contributing towards those goals.

vertemax® is helping protect workers, the public and passengers, yet simultaneously for our rail partners, we are helping also to improve their health and safety records through engaged innovation that seeks to bring the latest workzone safety developments to the rail environment. We champion the rail industry’s belief that workzone safety is an investment, not an expense.

Workzone products and services by vertemax® are designed to offer a win-win approach, delivering both better safety and productivity advantages – maximising return on investment. Mitigating risk in the workzone through innovation reduces incidents and accidents making for a safer, more productive environment and a healthier workforce.

Recently conducted independent customer research highlighted how part of our success is due to our industry leading and trusted customer service level – an area we are proud to invest in, and long-term, as it means our team are readily available to support you with advice whenever you need.

Workzones are complex and continually changing in scope and area.  Our engaged teams are continuously visiting customer sites up and down the country and are continuously working with customers on product innovations to solve new challenges.  Beyond this, our head office’s, technical and warehouse teams deliver day-to-day operational and supply support, ensuring product reaches sites as soon as possible to keep sites moving safely.

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