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Looks like you are requesting to view the vertemax™
Slovakia site from the North American region.
The Alupercha, the new lightweight fall arrest system from vertemax™ has achieved its first milestone, having just completed its first commercial workzone project after its recent market launch.
The first site to order and use the Alupercha fall arrest system was GCL at the Kidbrooke site in Greenwich – an award-winning regeneration project at Woodberry Down. Set across 64 acres, with 42 acres of open water, the site has 15 acres of landscaped parkland and the finished project will offer Zone 2 Londoners an entirely different living experience.
vertemax™ General Manager, Jamie Russon, says,
„It’s with great delight we are seeing Alupercha commercially reach the workzone safety marketplace. We have great confidence for its future demand, and we have been very happy with the excellent feedback we have already received about its unique features – extremely lightweight, flexible and safe; a step change product for those working at height during the decking for horizontal formwork operations.“
Safety and productivity was the primary focus on this site, and a number of systems employed from vertemax™ provided a safe methodology for working at height for the installation of Falsework, Edge Protection and Catchfans. The Kidbrooke project ran for 75 weeks including the most complex aspect of the construction – 14m propping heights to falsework.
Speaking recently, Pat Dervan, Project Director at GCL, said:
„The Alupercha system allows for greater flexibility whilst installing falsework decks as the Alupercha can be advanced manually with the leading edge thus removing the usual crane dependence.“
Read more about the vertemax™ fall arrest systems – Alupercha here.
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