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Press Release Alupercha

21 februára 2019

Today, vertemax™ and Alsina are celebrating the launch of Alupercha, a game-changing personal protection system for those working at height.  It also marks the latest landmark in the two companies‘ collaborative partnership as leaders in their field.


vertemax™, the workzone safety company, and Alsina, the globally recognised formwork systems company, have formed a ground-breaking partnership dedicated to changing the way the construction and other industries work and think about workzone safety.  This innovation centred partnership looks to forge better ways to protect lives, improve productivity and reduce costs.


Their latest engineering success, exploiting the best from both companies, is the Alupercha personal protection system – designed as the first lightweight and highly manoeuvrable system on the market.  Weighing just 19kg, and capable of being folded away in just seconds, it removes the need and cost for a crane and is quick and simple to install, remove or reposition – using the same conical tubes as the Alsipercha.  It can also be transported and stored at low cost and minimal effort.


An evolution from the Alsipercha system, known worldwide as the safest way for personal protection when working at height during the decking for horizontal formwork operation, the Alupercha still offers that personal safety when mounting decking panels, edge protection, slab edges and generally all formwork assembly activities where a fall from height presents a significant risk. The Alupercha shares the same philosophy, concept and technology as the Alsipercha.


„This is a great development for us and we expect strong demand simply because of the advantages this product now offers. What sets vertemax™ apart is the capacity for innovation and how we are working closely with customers and partners across industries and countries to help achieve the very best in site protection and efficiency. We are very proud to be working with Alsina and it is incredibly satisfying to have been able to deliver this excellent product so quickly to market following consultation with our clients, maintaining quality client asset relationships“, says Jamie Russon, General Manager at vertemax™

Javier Torre, Product Development Director at Alsina, added: „We are engaged in constantly searching for new ideas and finding improvements in everything we do, both in products as well as business processes, in order to be useful to our clients.“


Press contact: Jamie Russon, General Manager at Vertemax Ltd
info@vertemax.co.uk | T +44 (0) 1227 711 072



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