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Alsipercha or Alupercha – A Guide to Help Find Which Works Best for Your Project

14 marca 2019

Alsipercha or Alupercha – A Guide to Help Find Which Works Best for Your Project


vertemax™ now offers two fall arrest systems; the Alsipercha and Alupercha.  When used individually or combining them in different workzones, they are ready solutions to transform levels of safety and productivity in Construction, and other sectors like Logistics. Both systems have similar personal protection applications, and both use innovative engineering to prevent against falls – but which is the right choice for your project?


Here, one of our experts, Charlie Day explains the advantages of each system and help you make the best choice for your workzone safety.


Alsipercha, launched in 2004 represented a step-change in safety for those working at height during the decking for horizontal formwork operation. Strong, and offering 360˚ freedom of movement, it introduced a revolutionary engineering component, consisting of a built-in energy absorber device that reduces the forces transmitted by a fall, and a retractable fall arrest block.


The Alsipercha has helped achieve new safety levels and enabled companies to be more productive, saving time and cost. Listening to our customers’ needs today, our challenge, therefore, was to find new improvements to meet those requirements. Our customers still love the original system, but there are situations where there is a dependence on moving the system by crane. This requires advanced planning for the Alsipercha to be installed on the decking systems into the vertical elements by means of a tower crane and a MEWP, before being able to continue with the falsework erection.


The evolution of the Alupercha stems from a ground-breaking partnership between vertemax™ and Alsina (Press Release) who dedicated themselves to develop a system that meets customer’s requirements for working safely and with greater flexibility at height. The Alupercha offers a new dimension. Building on the successful concept of the built-in shock absorber, the Alupercha also offers a speedy, lightweight, portable alternative when the crane is unavailable due to peak demand or adverse weather conditions. Extremely lightweight, weighing in at just 19kg, it can be installed, used and repositioned by one person.


For more information, please get in touch with Charlie Day on LinkedIn.

Read more about the Alsipercha and the Alupercha here.



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